Wednesday, June 30, 2010

dr marvin Galper san diego county Juvenile court

Bioenegetic patient in a orgona box to measure his orgasm.


At common law , a seducer is not a rapist. That is, a male may use any non forcible “Sale Technique” no matter how deceptive, to obtain the consent of a female to sexual intercourse, and escape criminal punishment as a rapest. It is not common law rape, for example If San Diego Court appointed Dr Marvin Galper was a look alike or just convinced a mentally challenge person he was a famous actor , to induce his patient to have intercourse with him, It is not common law rape, If Dr Marvin Galper were to pay for intercourse with his patient with counterfeit money, or If Dr Marvin Galper induced his patient to have intercourse with him by falsely claiming it proves they don't have or cures them from their “mental illness” Each one of these example have one common fact in common: the Victim was legally consenting to sexual intercourse: Even though Fraud was used in the inducement to have intercourse.

In contrast, a patient's consent to engage in sexual intercourse is invalid if as, a result of the fraud, she is unaware of that she consented to the act of intercourse. For example Dr Marvin Galper would be guilty of rape , by so-called “fraud-in-the-infractum,” If, He obtains consent from his patient, to”insert an Instrument” in her vagina while under Hypnosis, if the “instrument” is his penis, If she assumed it was a tool to measure her orgasm and never dreamed it would be his penis.

Courts have struggled with the question of how to deal with a male who engages intercourse by deceiving a women into believing that he is her husband, her unmarried sexual partner or has authority to do so. For example, suppose that a Dr Marvin Galper enters into the bio-energetic therapy room, in the dark, under circumstances in which he knows the patient thinks he is her husband there, for court ordered Vegetharapy, If she has intercourse with him thinking it is her husband, is that rape? San Diego courts may look at this as fraud-in-the-inducement, since the victim was consenting to sexual intercourse and it was part of the court ordered bio-energetic sex therapy, But most State courts, how ever, treat this as fraud-in-the-infactum (and therefore rape), on the ground that the attendant circumstance that the doctor was NOT the patient's husband was a fundamental aspect of the sexual act : therefore, the patient did not know what she was consenting to, and most State court do not court order sex of any type.

If the law of rape is meant to protect a women's sexual autonomy, shouldn't all forms of fraud-in-the-inducement vitiate consent? And wouldn't the fact he is a Court ordered Psychologist with the power and color of law to have your children permanently removed and,or have you declared incompetent enough to make it at least a policy in San Diego County to prohibit any “SEX test”, “Bio-energetic” “Vegetharapy” or any “ measurment of orgastic potency ” with any psychologist invovled in any Court case ;because the Fear of a negative report that could cause such an inpact on the pateint's life( rather implied or assumed ),would be grounds of arguing that this is extortion, outwresting, or exaction for consent of such sexual intercourse,therefore would be 100% RAPE! What is so sad is, even if San Diego Police and Sherrif Department Woke up and realized this would be RAPE, Thanks to the California Govenor, all State and county employees and contracted employees have 100% inmunity for state criminal charges and Thanks to Judge Olberholtzer they have 100% inmunity from State Civils law suits.

The Government's top cult experts exposed for being in a cult themselves?

DR Marvin and Judy Galper have been known world wide as “Experts” in “deprogramming” cult victims. Dr Marvin Galper has a number of books on the subject and has had a number of articles wrote about themselves.

Here is just a few:

Americans would be shock to know that this man and his wife are apart of a cult themselves. In fact Dr Galper is the “deprogrammer” NOT to “help” the victims but to cover-up the cults crimes. The “deprogramming” in my case how ever did not go as plan. In fact even his back up plan to diagnose me “delusional” failed because he fail to realize basic logic exposed his cover-up. He did not count on my ability to stay emotional intact to be able to articulate this basic reasoning. Everyone knows to have a delusional disorder one has to have to have delusions, and if the person has proof that the belief is true and indeed is a fact, it can not be a delusion. OK so why is Dr Galper and his co-conspirators saying My “most obvious delusions” are being born in American, raised by non-Hispanics and English being my first language, Then turn around and use An American SS# and birth certificate belonging to the person I claim to be for quote “treatment”. Supposedly I have to have a Guardian Ad lit um for me because I am to mentally incompetent to articulate in court. Well go look at all my websites read and decide for your self, have I proven my case or is Dr Galper's Diagnoses of AXIS II delusional disorder right? PS I know Delusional disorder does not belong on AXIS II but that is where Dr Galper put it. Don't ask me why, he is the “EXPERT”

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